Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The first recorded visit by people of European was during the Amercian Revolution these spanish people tried to find a overland route from the settlements at Santa Fe,New Mexico to Monterey, California.After the foundig of Salt Lake ,in 1847 scouts were sent forward across the High Plateau and among the "southern mountains" to select sites where water and arable lands were available.Guided by friendly Indians to the mouth of this canyon (Zion Canyon), Nephi Johnson penetrated it in November 1858 as far asthe Great White Throne and perhaps to the Narrows.The land was thoroughly examined in 1861 by Joseph Black who found suitable farm sites on the flat lands downstream from, and in front of the site of Zion Lodge, and upstream near the Grotto. On these lands a few settlers cultivated corn, tobacco, garden vegetables and fruit trees. On the canyon floor and the plateau above they grazed cattle and sheep until 1909, when the area was withdrawn as a national monument.


For more information about its habitat go to this page: http://www.zion.national-park.com/map.htm.


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