Monday, October 23, 2006

Dartmoor Naitional Park

Dartmoor became a National Park in 1951. It is a Nanational Park near Plymouth.
It has a size of 954kmĀ² and is famous for the Clapper-Bridges.There you can find also over 2000 years old meetingpionts.

People like Sir Athur Conan Doyle wrote their scarry stories like "The Hound of the Baskervilles" because of the inspiration of this National Park.The People also tell storys about prisiners,who escaped from the Dartmoor prison and died in the moor. But the National Park is like many National Parks.That means that some ifactory-owners want to build there factories and destroy so the National Park .

This is a Clapper-Bridge:

It is over 2000 years old and was bulid by the people who lived in Britain over 2000 years ago

Here Dartmoor National Park starts:

This is an old castle in Dartmoor National Park :

In the north of Dartmoor National Park the british armee practice to shoot,but the Dartmoor Preservation Association and the Open Space Society try to protect Dartmoor National Park from this using of it.

This is the Beardownman.It is a ca. 3metres high Stone that is isolated from the other stones. It is one of the mystery things of Dartmoor.

Qellen: and By Alexander Schreider


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