Monday, October 23, 2006

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in ALASKA ( by timo )

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & PreserveThe Chugach, Wrangell, and Saint Elias ranges converge here in what is often referred to as the "mountain kingdom of North America." The largest unit of the National Park System, this spectacular wilderness includes the continent's largest assemblage of glaciers, and greatest collection of peaks above 16,000 feet, including 18,008’ Mount St. Elias, the second highest peak in the United States.

Did You Know?
Ten million swans, geese, and ducks nest in Alaska each year. That's ten times the population of people in Montana!
Only female mosquitoes bite. They use blood for egg production.
Iceworms really do exist! A small segmented black worm, less than an inch long, the iceworm lives in temperatures just below freezing. They can be found in the ice on the surface of glaciers (look like black threads).
In Alaska, caribou outnumber people. There are about 616,000 people in Alaska and 900,000 caribou.
Alaska has NO reptiles and NO rabbits (they are all hares). A rabbit is born without hair; hares area born with hair already. In Alaska, you need all the warmth you can get!

Elusive WildlifePeople often ask, "Where is the wildlife in Wrangell-St. Elias?" The answer is - wildlife is everywhere - you just need to know where to look for signs of it!
Be A Nature DetectiveAlthough you may not see a bear or lynx, if you look closely, you might see signs that they've been in the neighborhood! Animal tracks and scat, animal droppings, might be as close as looking down at your feet. A red fox leaves a strong scent where it has been. Check tree trunks for bear scratches or hair.
Where ARE the animals?In spring, melting snow allows plants to start sprouting in the high mountains. Many animals leave the spruce forests and travel higher to find these sweet and nutritious young plants. Heading higher also takes them away from fli


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Kinder in der Einen Welt said...

the best post ever (by mr.XXXX)


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